TEC++US 2.0

SIPE - with Communication without Words, for everyone.
Say it.
No words needed!
The Erasmus+ project that leaves you with no words.
Our mission: a pictographic polyglot in your pocket!
To facilitate speaking with no words - this is our mission.
In the times of endless migrations, the life in a life-sized
Tower of Babel, communicating can get a little bit confusing.
And when the person willing to communicate has difficulties in learning or simply is so young that barely speaks even his or her native language, this is where
TEC++US 2.0 becomes a real superhero!
The TEC++US 2.0 Project is developed as a part of the ERASMUS+ program and co-funded with the EU funds.
It is the continuity of TEC++US Project
that took place in 2018-2020.
You can see our project in the page bellow:
Projeto ERASMUS+ "Technology from Everyone to Everyone and Each One of Us - TEC++US"